

The 4th Asian Network of Occupational Hygiene Conference

大會主題:A Brighter Future for Occupational Hygiene in Asia
會議時間:9-12, November 2019 (2019年11月9-12日)
會議地點:Bangkok, Thailand. (泰國曼谷)

1. Physical Agents
2. Chemical Agents
3. Biological Agents
4. Psychosocial Agents
5. Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal disorders
6. Occupational and Environmental Exposure Assessment
7. Health risk Assessment
8. Biomonitoring and new biomarkers
9. Occupational Hygiene Management
10. Environmental Health
11. Occupational and Environmental Education & Training
12. Healthy Workplace
13. Occupational disease
14. Special Issues: OSH of Migrant Workers, SME, Primary Sector (i.e., Agriculture, Fishery and Animal Husbandry), Youth and Maternal Protection
15. Future Work and Challenges: AI/Digital Age and OSH
16. Others



【轉知】臺北醫學大學公共衛生學院公共衛生學系誠徵教師(助理教授級以上) 獲補助名單-台灣職業衛生學會鼓勵學生赴國外參加國際職業衛生學術研討會獎補助學金(2024年第一梯次)